
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Handling exceptions in ExtJS

Problem Statement: I struggled almost for a week to fix exception handling in ExtJS. The problem is when I make an AJAX call or make any asynchronous server side call, I was not able to read exact exception message thrown by server. I saw different ways to implement exception listeners in ExtJS but most of them didn't work for me.

Problem Solution: This is what I am using to handle exceptions in ExtJS.

var reportProxy = new{
    url : 'myReportURL',  // web URL
    method : 'post',      // HTTP method
    timeout : 180000,     // request timeout
    listeners : {         // configure listener
        exception : function(proxy, type, action, options,
                response, arg) {
            // this block is reached on any exception
            if (!response.isTimeout) {
                // check if response didn't timed out
                    title : '',
                    msg : "Oops !! There is some Internal Server Error.",
                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK,
                    icon : Ext.MessageBox.INFO
            } else {
                // this block is called on response timeout
                    title : '',
                    msg : "Its taking too long. Response timed out.",
                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK,
                    icon : Ext.MessageBox.INFO

Note the syntax for defining exception block, the function signature is important. I have seen different signatures for this function but this is the one that worked for me.

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